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API Report File for "@kadena/chainweb-stream-client"

Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by API Extractor.

 import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter2'; // @alpha (undocumented)class ChainwebStream extends EventEmitter {    constructor({ network, host, type, id, limit, connectTimeout, maxReconnects, heartbeatTimeout, confirmationDepth, }: IChainwebStreamConstructorArgs);    // (undocumented)    confirmationDepth: number;    connect: () => void;    // (undocumented)    connectTimeoutMs: number;    disconnect: () => void;    // (undocumented)    heartbeatTimeoutMs: number;    // (undocumented)    host: string;    // (undocumented)    id: string;    // (undocumented)    limit: number | undefined;    // (undocumented)    maxReconnects: number;    // (undocumented)    network: string;    get state(): ConnectionState;    // (undocumented)    type: ChainwebStreamType;}export default ChainwebStream; // @alpha (undocumented)export type ChainwebStreamType = 'event' | 'account'; // @alpha (undocumented)export enum ConnectionState {    // (undocumented)    Closed = 2,    // (undocumented)    Connected = 1,    // (undocumented)    Connecting = 0,    // (undocumented)    None = 3,    // (undocumented)    WaitReconnect = 4} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IAccountTransaction extends ITransactionBase {    // (undocumented)    amount: string;    // (undocumented)    crossChainAccount: number | null;    // (undocumented)    crossChainId: number | null;    // (undocumented)    fromAccount: string;    // (undocumented)    toAccount: string;    // (undocumented)    token: string;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IChainwebStreamConfig {    // (undocumented)    heartbeat: number;    // (undocumented)    id: string;    // (undocumented)    maxConf: number;    // (undocumented)    network: string;    // (undocumented)    type: ChainwebStreamType;    // (undocumented)    v: string;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IChainwebStreamConstructorArgs {    // (undocumented)    confirmationDepth?: number;    // (undocumented)    connectTimeout?: number;    // (undocumented)    heartbeatTimeout?: number;    // (undocumented)    host: string;    // (undocumented)    id: string;    // (undocumented)    limit?: number;    // (undocumented)    maxReconnects?: number;    // (undocumented)    network: string;    // (undocumented)    type: ChainwebStreamType;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IDebugMsgObject {    // (undocumented)    consecutiveFailedAttempts?: number;    // (undocumented)    lastHeight?: number;    // (undocumented)    length?: number;    // (undocumented)    message?: string;    // (undocumented)    method: 'connect' | 'disconnect' | '_handleConnect' | '_handleError' | '_handleData' | '_handleHeights' | '_handleHeartbeatTimeout' | '_updateLastHeight' | string;    // (undocumented)    timeout?: number;    // (undocumented)    totalAttempts?: number;    // (undocumented)    ts: number;    // (undocumented)    url?: string;    // (undocumented)    willRetry?: boolean;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IEventTransaction extends ITransactionBase {    // (undocumented)    moduleHash: string;    // (undocumented)    name: string;    // (undocumented)    params: string[];} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IHeightsEvent {    // (undocumented)    data: number;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IInitialEvent {    // (undocumented)    config: IChainwebStreamConfig;    // (undocumented)    data: ITransaction[];} // @alpha (undocumented)export type ITransaction = IEventTransaction | IAccountTransaction; // @alpha (undocumented)export interface ITransactionBase {    // (undocumented)    blockHash: string;    // (undocumented)    blockTime: string;    // (undocumented)    chain: number;    // (undocumented)    height: number;    // (undocumented)    idx: number;    // (undocumented)    meta: {        id: string;        confirmations: number;    };    // (undocumented)    requestKey: string;} // (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package) 
 import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter2'; // @alpha (undocumented)class ChainwebStream extends EventEmitter {    constructor({ network, host, type, id, limit, connectTimeout, maxReconnects, heartbeatTimeout, confirmationDepth, }: IChainwebStreamConstructorArgs);    // (undocumented)    confirmationDepth: number;    connect: () => void;    // (undocumented)    connectTimeoutMs: number;    disconnect: () => void;    // (undocumented)    heartbeatTimeoutMs: number;    // (undocumented)    host: string;    // (undocumented)    id: string;    // (undocumented)    limit: number | undefined;    // (undocumented)    maxReconnects: number;    // (undocumented)    network: string;    get state(): ConnectionState;    // (undocumented)    type: ChainwebStreamType;}export default ChainwebStream; // @alpha (undocumented)export type ChainwebStreamType = 'event' | 'account'; // @alpha (undocumented)export enum ConnectionState {    // (undocumented)    Closed = 2,    // (undocumented)    Connected = 1,    // (undocumented)    Connecting = 0,    // (undocumented)    None = 3,    // (undocumented)    WaitReconnect = 4} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IAccountTransaction extends ITransactionBase {    // (undocumented)    amount: string;    // (undocumented)    crossChainAccount: number | null;    // (undocumented)    crossChainId: number | null;    // (undocumented)    fromAccount: string;    // (undocumented)    toAccount: string;    // (undocumented)    token: string;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IChainwebStreamConfig {    // (undocumented)    heartbeat: number;    // (undocumented)    id: string;    // (undocumented)    maxConf: number;    // (undocumented)    network: string;    // (undocumented)    type: ChainwebStreamType;    // (undocumented)    v: string;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IChainwebStreamConstructorArgs {    // (undocumented)    confirmationDepth?: number;    // (undocumented)    connectTimeout?: number;    // (undocumented)    heartbeatTimeout?: number;    // (undocumented)    host: string;    // (undocumented)    id: string;    // (undocumented)    limit?: number;    // (undocumented)    maxReconnects?: number;    // (undocumented)    network: string;    // (undocumented)    type: ChainwebStreamType;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IDebugMsgObject {    // (undocumented)    consecutiveFailedAttempts?: number;    // (undocumented)    lastHeight?: number;    // (undocumented)    length?: number;    // (undocumented)    message?: string;    // (undocumented)    method: 'connect' | 'disconnect' | '_handleConnect' | '_handleError' | '_handleData' | '_handleHeights' | '_handleHeartbeatTimeout' | '_updateLastHeight' | string;    // (undocumented)    timeout?: number;    // (undocumented)    totalAttempts?: number;    // (undocumented)    ts: number;    // (undocumented)    url?: string;    // (undocumented)    willRetry?: boolean;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IEventTransaction extends ITransactionBase {    // (undocumented)    moduleHash: string;    // (undocumented)    name: string;    // (undocumented)    params: string[];} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IHeightsEvent {    // (undocumented)    data: number;} // @alpha (undocumented)export interface IInitialEvent {    // (undocumented)    config: IChainwebStreamConfig;    // (undocumented)    data: ITransaction[];} // @alpha (undocumented)export type ITransaction = IEventTransaction | IAccountTransaction; // @alpha (undocumented)export interface ITransactionBase {    // (undocumented)    blockHash: string;    // (undocumented)    blockTime: string;    // (undocumented)    chain: number;    // (undocumented)    height: number;    // (undocumented)    idx: number;    // (undocumented)    meta: {        id: string;        confirmations: number;    };    // (undocumented)    requestKey: string;} // (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)